Carolin Conrad

Geboren 1976 in Ulm, studierte Carolin Conrad Schauspiel an der Folkwang Universität der Künste Essen. Dem folgten feste Engagements am Theater der Stadt Heidelberg sowie am Schauspiel Leipzig und Maxim Gorki Theater Berlin. 2009 wechselte sie ans Schauspielhaus Zürich und blieb dort, unterbrochen von einer Spielzeit am Residenztheater, bis 2019 Ensemblemitglied. Sie arbeitete unter anderem mit Robert Schuster, Wolfgang Engel und Armin Petras sowie wiederholt mit Barbara Frey, Sebastian Baumgarten und Karin Henkel. Seit 2019 ist sie festes Ensemblemitglied am Residenztheater. 

Performing in

Dr. Ruth Wolff is a celebrated doctor and agnostic Jew. When she refuses a Catholic priest access to a young patient in a terminal condition, the incident soon has major repercussions and Ruth finds herself at the centre of a media shitstorm that threatens her entire way of life.

The writer and director Robert Icke has transposed Arthur Schnitzler’s play «Professor Bernhardi» (1912) vividly into the present. The «Times» of London described «The Doctor» as being «as slippery, muscular and complex as a human heart, more intricate the deeper his dissection goes.»

Die Ärztin (The Doctor)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 15 Mar
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Artist talk afterwards
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Mon 24 Mar
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 12 Apr
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 25 Apr
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 30 Apr
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One night a stranger named K. enters a village guest house. He is told that no one is allowed to stay in the village without permission from the authorities in the castle just outside it. K. identifies himself as a surveyor who has been hired by the castle only to be informed three days later that no surveyor is required and it is not even certain that one was ever sent for. For reasons that are unclear and against his wishes, K. is given the job of school caretaker, even though he also receives a letter from the castle confirming that his work as a surveyor was entirely satisfactory. While the castle administration operates in a dubious manner and the decisions of its officials appear arbitrary, the veracity of K.’s incoherent statements is equally subject to doubt.

Das Schloss (The Castle)

After fifteen years in exile, Orestes returns incognito to his home city of Argos – the same city in which his father Agamemnon was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus on his victorious return from Troy. However, desire for revenge is not the reason for his spontaneous homecoming – it is the rumour of a mysterious plague of flies. When his sister Electra persuades him to stay, it gradually dawns on him that Clytemnestra and Aegisthus are not only cruelly oppressing the people, they have also implicated him in Agamemnon’s murder. Only then does Orestes decide to take action.

Die Fliegen (The Flies)
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 13 Mar
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 22 Mar

When Goethe set «Götz von Berlichingen» down on paper in 1771 in a true writing frenzy, the 22-year-old writer was still a complete unknown. This came to an abrupt end with the publication of «Götz», as suddenly the young poet was being talked about everywhere. Goethe’s early work is a powerful stage epic with over fifty locations, several plots running in parallel and a huge cast of characters. What is more: Goethe dispensed with all the customary conventions that 18th century drama had been using up to that point.

Götz von Berlichingen
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 02 Apr

«Peer, you’re lying!»: Henrik Ibsen immediately highlights the key theme of his dramatic poem  in its opening line – the blurred boundary between illusion and reality. Because Peer, whose youth is shaped by the poverty of his farming background, continually reinvents himself with the aid of stories, lies and the arts of fabulation – as a cosmopolitan, a colonial master and even an Emperor.

Peer Gynt

In June 1816 the «Medusa», the fastest frigate of its time, sets to sea. Its destination is Saint-Louis in Senegal. There are two hundred and forty people on board – besides the sailors, most of them are soldiers, but they also include the colony’s Governor and his family together with priests, teachers, doctors and engineers. Two days’ journey from their destination the ship runs aground on a sandbank and splits. As there is not enough room for everyone in the lifeboats, a raft is cobbled together for the lifeboats to tow on shore. But as soon as they set off, the rudderless and heavily overloaded raft is left behind by the boats on which the dignitaries are rescuing themselves. Of one hundred and seventeen men only fifteen will survive. Many of them will fall victim to their own comrades because the few goods they were able to save – barrels of wine, sodden biscuits, a few weapons and valuables – are as heavily fought over as the power the make decisions about possible rescue measures.

Der Schiffbruch der Fregatte Medusa (The shipwreck of the frigate Medusa)
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Tue 22 Apr

Jovana Reisinger’s novel follows nine women from early spring to the summer of an unspecified year not far from the present. All of them live in or around Munich and they are all named after women’s magazines. They live and fail representatively, each of them alone and yet collectively, by the images and ideals of what it means to be a woman.

Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
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Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Thu 17 Apr
