Valentino Dalle Mura

Geboren 1996, absolvierte Valentino Dalle Mura sein Schauspielstudium von 2015 bis 2019 an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock und war bereits während des Studiums am Mecklenburgischen Staatstheater Schwerin auf der Bühne zu erleben. Seit der Spielzeit 2019/2020 ist er festes Ensemblemitglied am Residenztheater.

Performing in

In Kooperation mit dem XR HUB Bavaria, dem Bayerischen Rundfunk, dem Goethe Institut, ZDF.Digital und dem Lehrstuhl für Philosophy of Mind der LMU München wird ausgehend von künstlerischen und wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven die Prozesshaftigkeit und das Potential der Verbindung von Theater und Technologie erfahrbar gemacht. 


16–20 Uhr: Ausstellung im Marstall in Kooperation mit XR HUB Bavaria, BR, Goethe Institut, ZDF.Digital und LMU München – EINTRITT FREI!

20 Uhr: Gespräche und Diskussion zu «Neue Sinnlichkeit»

Im Anschluss: Party zu «Neue Sinnlichkeit»


With «Success», we journey into the inner workings of a society in which everything is measured in terms of personal career advantage, the demands of embittered contemporaries, hatred of one’s neighbours, anger at those with a different political opinion and one’s own lack of any sense of direction.

Erfolg (Success)

At Whitsun the lion king Nobel invites his subjects to his court for an early summer celebration. The entire animal kingdom gathers – ranging from the crane to the wolf and the bear. Only one animal is missing: the fox called Reineke. As soon as his name his mentioned, the mood of harmony vanishes. One angry accusation follows another and Reinike the fox is charged in his absence with a series of incredible crimes. The cockerel, for example, complains of losing his wife and children – Reineke ate them for supper. When he is eventually put on trial, the accomplished liar – an animal equivalent of Ibsen’s Peer Gynt – manages to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes – man, woman or creature – and slip his neck out of the noose. Eventually he even acquires a whole crowd of followers and is elected Chancellor.


The moral of the story is that not everyone with foxy cunning and a talent for oratory puts those gifts to benevolent use – on the contrary! But how can we tell the difference between truth and lies? How can we avoid being taken in by the peddlers of fake news? How can we remain faithful to our own opinions and values?

Reineke Fuchs
Marstall, 17.00 o'clock
Sat 12 Oct
Marstall, 11.00 o'clock
Mon 14 Oct
