Vincent zur Linden
1994 in Düsseldorf geboren und aufgewachsen, studierte Vincent zur Linden Schauspiel von 2013 bis 2017 an der Otto Falckenberg Schule in München. Vor und während des Studiums gastierte er an den Münchner Kammerspielen, am Münchner Volkstheater, am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus und am Pathos Theater München. Festengagements führten ihn nach Bielefeld und Basel. Prägende Zusammenarbeiten verbinden ihn u.a. mit den Regisseur*innen Nora Schlocker, Andreas Kriegenburg, Bernhard Mikeska, Milos Lolić, Frank Abt, Mareike Mikat, Prinzip Gonzo und Swen Lasse Awe. Seit der Spielzeit 2022/2023 ist er festes Ensemblemitglied am Residenztheater. 2022 war er für den Theaterpreis DER FAUST in der Kategorie «Darsteller:in Schauspiel» für seine darstellerische Leistung in Philipp Stölzls Inszenierung «Das Vermächtnis (The Inheritance)» nominiert. 2023 erhielt er im Rahmen der Kurt-Meisel-Preisverleihung den Förderpreis und wurde in der Kritikerumfrage von «Theater Heute» zum Nachwuchsschauspieler des Jahres ernannt. Im Jahre 2024 erhielt Vincent zur Linden den Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis in der Kategorie «Darstellende Kunst und Tanz».
Performing in
One night a stranger named K. enters a village guest house. He is told that no one is allowed to stay in the village without permission from the authorities in the castle just outside it. K. identifies himself as a surveyor who has been hired by the castle only to be informed three days later that no surveyor is required and it is not even certain that one was ever sent for. For reasons that are unclear and against his wishes, K. is given the job of school caretaker, even though he also receives a letter from the castle confirming that his work as a surveyor was entirely satisfactory. While the castle administration operates in a dubious manner and the decisions of its officials appear arbitrary, the veracity of K.’s incoherent statements is equally subject to doubt.
Das Schloss (The Castle)The «freedom to act» forms the core of Jean-Paul Sartre's philosophical thinking. What this freedom means for the individual is exemplified in «The Flies» - Sartre's rewriting of Aeschylus' second part of the «Oresteia». Should Orest, who has returned home from exile, take revenge for the murder of his father Agamemnon? And if so, what price is he prepared to pay?
Die Fliegen (The Flies)New York City in the final months of the Obama Presidency. While the writer Toby Darling feverishly awaits the premiere of his play, his partner Eric Glass spends time with his acquaintance Walter. His conversations with the 55-year-old take Eric back to a past which as a gay man in his early thirties he only knows from hearsay: the devastating AIDS epidemic that rocked the LGBTQ community at the beginning of the 1980s.
Das Vermächtnis (The Inheritance) – Part 1New York City in the final months of the Obama Presidency. While the writer Toby Darling feverishly awaits the premiere of his play, his partner Eric Glass spends time with his acquaintance Walter. His conversations with the 55-year-old take Eric back to a past which as a gay man in his early thirties he only knows from hearsay: the devastating AIDS epidemic that rocked the LGBTQ community at the beginning of the 1980s.
Das Vermächtnis (The Inheritance) – Part 2Yasmina Reza, the celebrated author of hit social comedies such as «The God of Carnage» and «Life x 3» and bestselling novels – most recently «Serge» – has written a new play that incisively dramatises the profound problems of understanding that increasingly dominate relations between generations.
James Brown trug Lockenwickler (James Brown wore curlers)No other play by Heinrich von Kleist inspires quite so many superlatives as «Käthchen of Heilbronn». It is not only the most successful, but also the most romantic, the most fairy tale-like and at the same time the most mysterious play that he wrote.
Das Käthchen von Heilbronn (Käthchen of Heilbronn)Intrigues, conspiracies, political intrigues - Schiller's tragedy depicts the power struggle between the English Queen Elizabeth I and the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart. But what if only chance decides between power and powerlessness? Then the roles could also be «swapped». For each performance, a draw is held to decide which of the two actresses will play the victor or the vanquished.
Maria StuartRomeo and Juliet set the language of love against the war of their relatives, the language of the dagger. Will they manage to set an example against the irreconcilable enmity that prevails in Verona? In-house director Elsa-Sophie Jach re-stages the world's most famous love story and the dance on the volcano that sweeps its main characters away, with lots of music and hot hearts.
Romeo und Julia (Romeo and Juliet)In Stephan Kimmig's production, the boundaries between Shakespeare's fairy world and the harsh reality of the big city become blurred. Fuelled by Puck's magic, a summer night unfolds in which soon no one knows where love ends and obsession begins.
Ein Sommernachtstraum (A Midsummer Night's Dream)