Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Wed 09 Apr
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Thu 15 May
Further dates follow
by Alexander Eisenach
World premiere / Commissioned work
Premiere 27. April 2024
1 Hour 15 Minutes
No break

A prince of fashion and a fairy-tale king. A bird of paradise and a cult figure. A Munich original and a philanthropist. During the course of his lifetime, Rudolph Moshammer was given countless of these nicknames and soubriquets. Everyone recognized him as an eccentric with his dog Daisy on his arm, a talk show guest and man of society. Like his role model, Bavaria’s fairy-tale king Ludwig II, he loved glamour, opulence, and excess. In his appearances as an actor and in advertisements, as a singer in the preliminary round for the Eurovision Song Contest and with books like «Mama und ich» (Mama and Me), he became a cult figure and his fashion boutique «Carnaval de Venise» in Maximilianstraße became a cult address and place of pilgrimage for Mosi fans.

«Starting with Moshammer’s biography, we trace the romantic spirit of this glittering personality. A life spent in between the spotlight and the dark demi-monde, between celebrities and rent boys. <MOSI – The Bavarian Dream> is also a story about German society growing up. Moshammer’s father came off the rails during the economic miracle of the old Federal Republic – becoming unemployed, addicted to alcoholic and finally homeless. Rudolph and his mother ran away from his father’s violence. This was a wound that the son attempted to heal through his charity work for the homeless. As someone in the spotlight, he made them visible. His tragic death leads us into the murderous depths of a glossy world and shows us the flipside of a life in the spotlight. It reveals the distress and loneliness of Moshammer, who never spoke about his homosexuality in public, who was completely absorbed within his own self-dramatisation and in the end lost himself in it because he always had to hide part of himself. <MOSI – The Bavarian Dream> is an evening between a revue and a biopic, between a fairy tale and a detective story – a homage to Rudolph Moshammer.» Alexander Eisenach

Writer and director Alexander Eisenach has been a regular guest at the Residentheater and becomes a resident director from 2023/2024. His productions here include his adaptation of

Goethe’s «Götz von Berlichingen», his play «The Shipwreck of the Frigate Medusa» and «One Against All» by Oskar Maria Graf.

Artistic Direction

Stage Design Daniel Wollenzin
Costume Design Claudia Irro
Musikalische Mitarbeit Michael Gumpinger
Lighting Verena Mayr
Dramaturgy Ilja Mirsky