Thiemo Strutzenberger


Geboren 1982 in Kirchdorf an der Krems (Oberösterreich), absolvierte Thiemo Strutzenberger sein Schauspielstudium am Max Reinhardt Seminar in Wien und war bereits währenddessen im Ensemble des Burgtheaters. Anschließend wechselte er an das Deutsche Schauspielhaus in Hamburg und an das Theater Neumarkt in Zürich, bevor er 2010 Ensemblemitglied am Schauspielhaus Wien wurde. 

An der Universität Wien absolvierte er den Masterstudiengang für Gender Studies, mittlerweile hat er einen Doktor in der Fachrichtung. Zudem war er Teilnehmer am ForumText Autorenprojekt des DramaForum der uniT Graz. Er nahm am Autorenförderprogramm des Wiener Schauspielhauses «stück/für/stück» teil, für sein dabei entstandenes Stück «Hunde Gottes» erhielt er den Publikumspreis. 2010 wurde sein Stück «The Zofen Suicides» uraufgeführt, 2013 und 2014 folgten die Uraufführungen von «Queen Recluse» und «Hunde Gottes» am Schauspielhaus Wien. 2014 war er für den österreichischen Theaterpreis Nestroy als «Bester Schauspieler» nominiert. 2015 wurde Thiemo Strutzenberger Ensemblemitglied am Theater Basel, wo er u. a. mit Nora Schlocker, Robert Borgmann, Antonio Latella, Stefan Bachmann, Ulrich Rasche und Robert Icke zusammenarbeitete. 2019 folgte er Andreas Beck ans Residenztheater. Seine erste Regiearbeit realisierte er 2017 am Theater Basel, 2018/2019 war er dort Hausautor. 2021 erhielt Thiemo Strutzenberger für seine darstellerische Leistung in Stefan Bachmanns Inszenierung «Graf Öderland» den 3sat-Preis.

Performing in

«And often the outward signs of ascent only become apparent once the decline has begun again.» In his 1901 novel, subtitled «The Decline of a Family», Thomas Mann uses precise characterisation and an ironic style to describe the incipient structural collapse of the grande bourgeoisie. Mann drew his inspiration for «Buddenbrooks» from the story of his own family in Lübeck and people of the city where he was living at the time: Munich. Mann shows the potential complexity of relations between North and South Germany with considerable humour in the relationship between Tony Buddenbrook and the Munich hop-trader Alois Permaneder.

Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Mon 26 May

With «Success», we journey into the inner workings of a society in which everything is measured in terms of personal career advantage, the demands of embittered contemporaries, hatred of one’s neighbours, anger at those with a different political opinion and one’s own lack of any sense of direction.

Erfolg (Success)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 26 Apr
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 28 May

New York City in the final months of the Obama Presidency. While the writer Toby Darling feverishly awaits the premiere of his play, his partner Eric Glass spends time with his acquaintance Walter. His conversations with the 55-year-old take Eric back to a past which as a gay man in his early thirties he only knows from hearsay: the devastating AIDS epidemic that rocked the LGBTQ community at the beginning of the 1980s. 

Das Vermächtnis (The Inheritance) – Part 1

New York City in the final months of the Obama Presidency. While the writer Toby Darling feverishly awaits the premiere of his play, his partner Eric Glass spends time with his acquaintance Walter. His conversations with the 55-year-old take Eric back to a past which as a gay man in his early thirties he only knows from hearsay: the devastating AIDS epidemic that rocked the LGBTQ community at the beginning of the 1980s.

Das Vermächtnis (The Inheritance) – Part 2

Intrigues, conspiracies, political intrigues - Schiller's tragedy depicts the power struggle between the English Queen Elizabeth I and the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart. But what if only chance decides between power and powerlessness? Then the roles could also be «swapped». For each performance, a draw is held to decide which of the two actresses will play the victor or the vanquished.

Maria Stuart
For the 25th time
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Mon 21 Apr
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