Pia Händler

Geboren in Hamburg, erhielt Pia Händler zunächst eine Gesangsausbildung an der Hamburg School of Music und war Mitglied in diversen Bands (Gesang und E-Bass), bevor sie von 2006 bis 2010 ihr Schauspielstudium an der Universität der Künste Berlin absolvierte. Vor und während ihrer Ausbildung arbeitete sie am Hamburger Schauspielhaus und am Deutschen Theater Berlin u. a. mit Jürgen Gosch, Tom Stromberg und Jorinde Dröse. Nach ihrer Ausbildung war Pia Händler festes Ensemblemitglied am Schauspielhaus Graz und am Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus sowie am Theater Basel. Dort arbeitete sie u. a. mit Claudia Bauer, Simon Stone, Robert Borgmann, Thom Luz, Nora Schlocker, Oliver Frljić, Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson, Julia Hölscher und Dani Levy. 2019 folgte sie Andreas Beck ans Residenztheater.

Performing in

The cycle of revenge and retribution is endless. Every drop of blood spilt has to be atoned for with more. Everyone thinks they have the law and the will of the gods on their side and this conviction drives them on to commit new injustices. This is the spiral of violence that grips the ruling house of the Atrides in Aeschylus’s «Agamemnon», the first part of his trilogy «The Oresteia».

Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 09 Mar
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Residenztheater, 18.00 o'clock
Sat 19 Apr
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The mid-1980s: the outbreak of the disease AIDS alarms New York. Louis, son of a wealthy Jewish family, abandons his sick boyfriend Prior and starts a relationship with conservative Mormon lawyer Joe. When Joe’s drug-dependent wife Harper retreats into dreams of everlasting ice, his strictly religious mother flies in outraged from Salt Lake City. The Republican Roy Cohn, a cynical and power-obsessed lawyer, insists until his last breath that he is not gay and does not have AIDS. Even on his deathbed, he refuses to stop arguing about this with his black nurse Belize. And then an angel breaks through Prior’s bedroom ceiling.

Engel in Amerika (Angels in America)

«Yes - No», «Light - Dark», «There - Away», «Breakfast or not», «War or not» - author Nele Stuhler has collected lists of opposites that question the depths of everyday life as well as the very big world situation and put them into poem form. A poetic and highly comical concert of contradictions performed by three actors on an open stage.

Und oder oder oder oder und und beziehungsweise und oder beziehungsweise oder und beziehungsweise einfach und
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Sun 30 Mar
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Thu 03 Apr
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Sun 20 Apr

Copenhagen’s working-class district of Vesterbro in the 1920s has little room for the talent and dreams of young Tove. She leaves school at the age of fourteen and is sent against her will to work as a maid and later as a clerical worker. However, she refuses to give up, publishes her early poems and stories and continues to seek her freedom as a writer. In the «Copenhagen Trilogy» Tove Ditlevsen uses her own biography to tell of an escape from a complicated everyday reality into storytelling, skilfully interweaving fiction and reality. Her first-person narrator, with whom she shares a name, delivers a humorous and laconic account of a personal life that is nevertheless political. 

Die Kopenhagen-Trilogie (The Copenhagen Trilogy)
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 04 Apr

Maria Stuart, the deposed queen of Scotland, seeks asylum in England but soon finds herself imprisoned in a fortress as her aunt, the English queen Elisabeth Tudor, begins to investigate her. When she was seventeen, Maria was allegedly involved in the murder of her husband – that is the official charge, but there are also rumours of a plot to seize the crown right now. Schiller portrays neither of his female protagonists in a particularly flattering light: Maria is an impulsive seductress, Elisabeth is a jealous and indecisive monarch.

Maria Stuart
7 pm Introduction
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 11 Mar
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With childcare
Residenztheater, 16.00 o'clock
Sun 23 Mar
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For the 25th time
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Mon 21 Apr
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The director Elsa-Sophie Jach, who recently made her debut at the Residenztheater with her production of Herbert Achternbusch’s «Heart of Glass», brings the outrageous love poetry of «Europe’s first poet» to new life. Known for a directing style characterised by precise language and strong visuals, she hunts down the forgotten remains of Sappho’s poems, condenses them into a chorus and, on a tour through the literary canon together with the Munich techno live band SLATEC, she exposes the systematic erasure of the female voice, its silencing and the need for it to empower itself.

Die Unerhörten (The outrageous ones)

At Whitsun the lion king Nobel invites his subjects to his court for an early summer celebration. The entire animal kingdom gathers – ranging from the crane to the wolf and the bear. Only one animal is missing: the fox called Reineke. As soon as his name his mentioned, the mood of harmony vanishes. One angry accusation follows another and Reinike the fox is charged in his absence with a series of incredible crimes. The cockerel, for example, complains of losing his wife and children – Reineke ate them for supper. When he is eventually put on trial, the accomplished liar – an animal equivalent of Ibsen’s Peer Gynt – manages to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes – man, woman or creature – and slip his neck out of the noose. Eventually he even acquires a whole crowd of followers and is elected Chancellor.


The moral of the story is that not everyone with foxy cunning and a talent for oratory puts those gifts to benevolent use – on the contrary! But how can we tell the difference between truth and lies? How can we avoid being taken in by the peddlers of fake news? How can we remain faithful to our own opinions and values?

Reineke Fuchs
Marstall, 17.00 o'clock
Sun 06 Apr

Romeo and Juliet set the language of love against the war of their relatives, the language of the dagger. Will they manage to set an example against the irreconcilable enmity that prevails in Verona? In-house director Elsa-Sophie Jach re-stages the world's most famous love story and the dance on the volcano that sweeps its main characters away, with lots of music and hot hearts.

Romeo und Julia (Romeo and Juliet)
Fri 16 May

In her new work, the director Claudia Bauer, who has been invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen four times and is renowned for her work with fast and furious acting ensembles, now tackles someone who typifies Munich, the brilliant comedian Karl Valentin. In her usual, opulent stage language she will devise a homage to the Bavarian whose anarchic approach to language led the critic Alfred Kerr to invent the term «Wortzerklauberer», someone who steals words and tears them to pieces.

Valentiniade. Sportliches Singspiel mit allen Mitteln (Valentiniade. Sporting Singspiel with no Holds barred)
