Pooyan Bagherzadeh

Pooyan Bagherzadeh writes and directs for theatre and film and also works as a set designer, critic and creative director in advertising. He was educated in Armenia and Great Britain. He is a member of the theatre group "Papatiha" in Iran and has already been involved in a work in Munich with the collective "World Wo*Men". He is interested in social and political issues, which he also analyses in a historical context.

His play «Sohn einer Mutter. Mutter eines Sohns.» is premiering in the Welt/Bühne Festival in June 2024.



Iranian playwright and director Pooyan Bagherzadeh paints a moving picture of a mother in Iran and her son in Germany. In their daily video calls, he not only tells of an exemplary mother-son relationship, but also of growing up in Iran, historical developments and the adversities of everyday life - and the great concern for each other.

Sohn einer Mutter. Mutter eines Sohns. (Son of a mother. Mother of a son.)
Marstall, 19.00 o'clock
Sun 13 Apr
DerniereFor the last time
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 23 May
Artist talk afterwards
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