DerniereZum letzten Mal
22.00 o'clock
01 Jul 2024
By Fritz Zorn
Premiere 23. September 2021
50 Minutes
No break

It takes the physical pain of cancer to break through Fritz Zorn’s protective shell of a cultivated «insensitivity of the soul». It is not until he is in danger of dying that his resistance awakens against not being allowed to live: «I am young and rich and educated: and I am unhappy, neurotic and alone.» With these words the Swiss author Fritz Zorn opens his reckoning with this background, family and education. However: his contemplation of death is a contemplation of freedom. The art of dying liberates the individual from all subjugation and compulsion and by accepting one’s own finality it offers the possibility of seeing oneself as part of an overarching process of transformation.


For ensemble member Max Mayer and stage designer Jonas Vogt the special qualities of the area behind the Marstall provides the basis for their exploration of existence, loss, grief and transformation in installation form.


The performance takes place outdoors. There are no allocated places and no fixed seating (folding stools may be available). Please wear sturdy footwear.

Artistic Direction

Concept und Implementation Max MayerJonas Vogt
Costume Design Silke Messemer
Music Valerio Tricoli
Dramaturgy Michael Billenkamp
Event Technology Team Lilli Joy Finnigan,  Marius Juds