Andreas Auerbach


In her new work, the director Claudia Bauer, who has been invited to the Berlin Theatertreffen four times and is renowned for her work with fast and furious acting ensembles, now tackles someone who typifies Munich, the brilliant comedian Karl Valentin. In her usual, opulent stage language she will devise a homage to the Bavarian whose anarchic approach to language led the critic Alfred Kerr to invent the term «Wortzerklauberer», someone who steals words and tears them to pieces.

Valentiniade. Sportliches Singspiel mit allen Mitteln (Valentiniade. Sporting Singspiel with no Holds barred)

In Beckett's 1948 classic of absurd theatre, the main characters wait in an open field, torn between a mood of optimism and resignation, for the ominous Godot. In laconic language, Beckett creates one of the most famous and ambiguous pairs of comedians in theatre literature, reinterpreted by in-house director Claudia Bauer.

Warten auf Godot (Waiting for Godot)
Fri 28 Mar
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 30 Mar