Cathrin Störmer

Cathrin Störmer absolvierte ihr Schauspielstudium in Berlin. Es folgten Engagements am Landestheater Tübingen, am Theater an der Sihl in Zürich, am Schauspielhaus Zürich und am Theater Kanton Zürich. Cathrin Störmer arbeitete regelmäßig mit verschiedenen Formationen und Regisseur*innen in der freien Theaterszene, u. a. am Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zürich, in der Kaserne Basel, am Schlachthaus Theater Bern, am Theater an der Winkelwiese Zürich und am Hebbel am Ufer Berlin. Von 2012 bis 2019 war Cathrin Störmer am Theater Basel engagiert, wo sie u. a. mit Thom Luz, Robert Borgmann, Nora Schlocker, Mateja Koležnik und Simon Stone arbeitete. 2019 folgte sie Andreas Beck ans Residenztheater.

Performing in

In poetic images and with moving music, the ensemble of actors, dancers and singers tell a drama about the unfulfilled love of Hans Christian Andersen's unfulfilled love and how the famous fairy tale writer fairy tale poet merges with one of his most famous characters, the the little mermaid. Andersen's escape from reality becomes a touching, visually stunning theatre event.

Andersens Erzählungen (Andersen’s stories)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 17 Apr
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Robert Icke has congenially translated Arthur Schnitzler's play «Professor Bernhardi» into the present day. The doctor Ruth Wolff not only comes into conflict with her colleagues and the maxims of the Catholic Church, but also into a media shitstorm. The «Times» of London celebrated «The Doctor» as an «open-heart operation on our present day, which gets more complicated the deeper you cut».

Die Ärztin (The Doctor)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 12 Apr
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Fri 25 Apr
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 30 Apr
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Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 11 May
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Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 14 May
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Copenhagen’s working-class district of Vesterbro in the 1920s has little room for the talent and dreams of young Tove. She leaves school at the age of fourteen and is sent against her will to work as a maid and later as a clerical worker. However, she refuses to give up, publishes her early poems and stories and continues to seek her freedom as a writer. In the «Copenhagen Trilogy» Tove Ditlevsen uses her own biography to tell of an escape from a complicated everyday reality into storytelling, skilfully interweaving fiction and reality. Her first-person narrator, with whom she shares a name, delivers a humorous and laconic account of a personal life that is nevertheless political. 

Die Kopenhagen-Trilogie (The Copenhagen Trilogy)
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 04 Apr

The Australian writer and director Simon Stone took Chekhov’s famous play as the starting point for his rewriting – voted «Play of the Year 2017» in «Theater heute» magazine – that combines rapid fire dialogue, subtle character studies and the ambivalence that arises from them while locating the play thematically in the here and now.

Drei Schwestern (Three sisters)
