Thomas Lettow

Geboren 1986, aufgewachsen in Potsdam, studierte Thomas Lettow Schauspiel an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock. Anschließend trat er zur Spielzeit 2014/2015 sein Erstengagement am Residenztheater an. Seitdem folgten Arbeiten u. a. mit Martin Kušej, Ulrich Rasche, Mateja Koležnik und Andreas Kriegenburg. 2016 wurde er mit dem Bayerischen Kunstförderpreis ausgezeichnet. 2017 erhielt er den Förderpreis der Freunde des Residenztheaters.

Performing in

Ulrich Rasche stages «Agamemnon» - the first part of Aeschylus' famous «Oresteia» - as a visually stunning cycle of revenge. With Rasche, language, music and acting become an overall experience, making the power and topicality of the ancient material all the more vivid.

Residenztheater, 18.00 o'clock
Sat 19 Apr
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Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 04 May
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In poetic images and with moving music, the ensemble of actors, dancers and singers tell a drama about the unfulfilled love of Hans Christian Andersen's unfulfilled love and how the famous fairy tale writer fairy tale poet merges with one of his most famous characters, the the little mermaid. Andersen's escape from reality becomes a touching, visually stunning theatre event.

Andersens Erzählungen (Andersen’s stories)
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Thu 17 Apr
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During the global economic crisis of the 1920s, a young woman tries out self-realization and yet ends up in a restrictive marriage, confronted with misogyny and male bonding as well as the rise of National Socialism. Elsa-Sophie Jach adapts Marieluise Fleisser's only novel for the stage.

Eine Zierde für den Verein (A credit to the club)
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Fri 25 Apr
Marstall, 20.00 o'clock
Thu 22 May

Ishmael signs on to the «Pequod», an old whaler. However, it soon becomes clear that the aim of the voyage is not just to exploit the world's oceans and their giant marine mammals, but Captain Ahab's personal vendetta. Melville's «Moby Dick» - brought to the stage by Stefan Pucher - is both an adventurous sailor's yarn and a reflection on the fatal art of seduction of a demagogue.

Moby Dick
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 25 May
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Romeo and Juliet set the language of love against the war of their relatives, the language of the dagger. Will they manage to set an example against the irreconcilable enmity that prevails in Verona? In-house director Elsa-Sophie Jach re-stages the world's most famous love story and the dance on the volcano that sweeps its main characters away, with lots of music and hot hearts.

Romeo und Julia (Romeo and Juliet)
Fri 16 May
Residenztheater, 18.30 o'clock
Sun 18 May
Residenztheater, 19.30 o'clock
Wed 21 May
Residenztheater, 11.00 o'clock
Wed 23 Jul

Based on Oscar Wilde's famous one-act play, Polish director Ewelina Marciniak completely reinterprets the character of Salome. She is no longer a scandalised femme fatale, but a young woman who tries to free herself from the constraints of her surroundings by any means necessary.

7 pm Introduction
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 01 Apr
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Sat 24 May
7 pm Introduction
Cuvilliéstheater, 19.30 o'clock
Tue 27 May